All of the strategies we are learning to pre-assess students and figure out their level of understanding, will come in handy when trying to prepare your classroom for Guided Reading. Students will learn reading strategies that help them to become better readers through Guided Reading. The article I read had three parts to guided reading:
"Before reading: Set the purpose for reading, introduce vocabulary, make predictions, talk about the strategies good readers use.
During reading: Guide students as they read, provide wait time, give prompts or clues as needed by individual students, such as "Try that again. Does that make sense? Look at how the word begins."
After reading: Strengthen comprehension skills and provide praise for strategies used by students during the reading."
I didn't paraphrase these steps because I thought that they were great instruction that we should all follow in the classroom when doing guided reading.The Before, During, and After steps in any lesson are the main things to key in on. Have a plan before engaging in guided reading. Be able to differentiate for all your students so that you are giving useful learning opportunities. Also, have a variety of different texts for children to read. These are books that children do not already know well, but then they are to read and reread the books so that they have repetition in reading.

I also keyed in on the before, during, and after reading portion of my article. I think proper planning and execution of your plan is important for the effectiveness of guided reading lessons.